

my passion for canyoning and sailing is evident. today, being the first day that the weather summits 80 degrees, i feel like summer has finally gained her foothold. i found an old journal where i kept track of some stories from 2 years ago, summertime. since that time period was the one that most affected my style and adventurousness, i'll share a few.
summer reminds me of sailing and rappelling. both perfectly opposite and both perfectly similar. they actually explain a lot about me. both require exact focus, yet both are unmatched for finding quiet and relaxation. they are dangerous, and powered by harnessing some basic force of nature - gravity and wind. most importantly, both take you far away and suspend you aloof of your own thoughts.
i like being able to get away from people and stuff. i love the sound the rope makes as it slides through the metal loops on the harness - everything else is quite. i also like when you sail with a heavy wind at your back. on utah lake its almost only happens when youre coming home into the harbor. when the wind is behind you, you dont hear it because you're traveling at the exact same speed. again, everything is quiet, except for the slick gurgle made by the water curling around the back of the boat and the slight ruffle the sails make as they pull tight and the boom flexes. somehow when things go quiet around me, my mind reverberates at the same frequency and slows down - it only focuses on the rope, or the the tension in the sails and direction of the wind. 

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