

british style:
my temporary hiatus has been well lived. im now a few thousand miles away, studying in cambridge university, uk. ever the classy, england has it's own style wrought from a rich history. almost everything i like started here with the british, from the tweedy bike infested college towns, to the wooly plaid-clad northern highlands, and back down to the classic world capital of the sharp dark suit, london. the style is a perfect evolution, careful to include the best from each era: the crisp, smart and precisely mannered royalty being just as important to the overall style as the dripping-with-rebellion anarchists, the sex pistols. overall the style here seems to be based on the rich history held together with safety pins and a bold thread of national pride that runs throughout.

english is clean, effortless, classic, and a bit showy, but deftly sharp. sharp enough that j. crew has taken a very keen interest in the british as an inspiration for their upcoming clothing lines. garance doré and scott schuman shot the following for j. crew and i think it explains the look and feel of london style better than i do:

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